Tips for Training a Rottweiler
Not all dogs are the same, and wise dog owners take the time to read as much as they can about specific training issues for any breed before they make a determining if this is a good match for their training experience
One breed of dog that is very popular and has some specific training strategies that will make training easy, pleasant and positive for both you and the dog is the Rottweiler. This is a very intelligent breed of dog that is independent but loyal and loving as well as a creative problem solver that can be more self-confident than other breeds.
It is important to realize the Rottweiler was not originally a guard dog, but rather a herding breed used for cattle. Over time, these dogs have been used to pull carts, as military and police dogs as well as for guard dogs and companion pets. This unique combination creates the great personality and traits of the breed. Here are some tips on training a Rottweiler.
Start Young
Ideally, start as early as possible with a Rottweiler puppy with basic commands such as come and sit. These are very smart dogs that will quickly learn what you want and that excel when they are provided with small, healthy treats and praise and petting immediately after completing a command.
This is also true with socialization. This is a breed that can be aggressive around other dogs and early socialization should be a priority. A puppy obedience class is a great option, just make sure to choose a trainer that uses only positive rewards based training methods.
Never Yell or Act Aggressively
Unfortunately, many people think that dogs that are seen to be “aggressive” in nature, independent or intelligent need to feel “dominated” by the alpha leader in the home.
This is misunderstood by many to mean yelling or being aggressive in training methods when this is simply not the case. In fact, these behaviors only confuse and challenge the dog to try to understand what is required.
A firm voice and a clear “no” is all that is needed. Never yell at a Rottweiler or hit or try to dominate the dog physically. Instead, focus on the immediate withdrawal of attention for negative behavior followed by a well-understood command and praise and a treat for doing the right thing.
Exercise First
The Rottweiler is a natural energetic breed, slightly more so than other dogs of the same size. To effectively focus the puppy or dog for training, it is a good idea to go for a longer, brisk walk, play in the yard or let the puppy or dog out to play with other dogs for at least 20 minutes before training if they have been alone or in the house.
By allowing the dog or puppy to burn off energy, he or she will be more focused on what you are doing. It will also calm the sometimes exuberant nature of the breed, particularly when they are juvenile dogs. Keep in mind these are very playful dogs and are great at fetch and other types of games.
Finally, avoid repetitive training methods with the Rottweiler. While they are very smart and catch on quickly, they are smart enough to get bored with the same command over and over.
This is a breed that does great at obedience and even agility work. As the Rottweiler can be prone to weight gain as they age, this is a great option for physical as well as mental exercise.
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